Courses within Teaching and learning in higher education – admission procedures for Sahlgrenska | The PIL Unit

Courses within Teaching and learning in higher education – admission procedures for Sahlgrenska

Sahlgrenska Academy manages the application process of certain courses within Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Please note that applicants to PIL101 and PIL102 are welcome to apply through the PIL Unit. The application opens on the 17th of April – first come application.

Autumn 24: Sahlgrenska Academy has its own management for PIL103 and PIL201. Admission round is open between 8 April and 5 May 2024.

Applicants for PIL101 and PIL102 are referred to the PIL unit's admission round for VT24 which opens on 17 April 2024.

The Unit for Pedagogical Development and Interactive Learning (PIL) determines the number of available places on respective course, which will be available for staff from Sahlgrenska Academy, also including VGR employees affiliated to Sahlgrenska academy.

Please note! Your user account/x-account must be active to be able to participate on any course. Make sure that is the case when you apply. If you need help, contact your head of administration.

Application period: 8th of April - 5th of May, 2024 (for autumn 2024)
Notification of admission will be sent out no later than week 24.


Each institute ranks their applicants on the basis of the information in the online form and receives places on respective course in relation to the number of applications. Hence, a high number of applications from one institute equals more places.

Please note! If cancellation is not done in time, PIL will impose a fee on the participant's institute. This routine is also applied if the participant leaves the course at an early stage. Also, when accepted to one course, there is no possibility to change to another.

Admission to PIL103 requires pass on HPE101/PIL101 and HPE102/PIL102, or the equivalent course/ courses validated by Sahlgrenska Academy. Read more about assessment and recognition of qualifications in teaching and learning in higher education