Write a teaching portfolio | The PIL Unit

Write a teaching portfolio

A teaching portfolio is a compilation of teaching qualifications. This portfolio is to be included when a teacher applies for the title of Excellent Teacher. The portfolio is also used for appointments of staff, promotion, and wage negotiations.

The PIL Unit has worked out guidelines how to set up and structure a teaching portfolio.

Guidelines for establishing a teaching portfolio (pdf)

Assessment is the responsibility of the faculty

It is the responsibility of each faculty to which extent documented qualifications are equivalent to the requirements put forward for various positions and tasks. If you seek specific information about the development of positions, qualifications, merits and advancement, please contact those responsible at each faculty. 

Teaching portfolio writing support 

The PIL Unit plans to start a recurring workshop for those who want to write a teaching portfolio. We expect the workshop to start during 2025. Feel free to express interest in the workshop by contacting Tomas Grysell, tomas.grysell@gu.se.

In 2025, we also plan to launch a new web resource on how to write a teaching portfolio.

A good example

In September 2015, Anne Farewell became the first Excellent Teacher at University of Gothenburg. Her teaching portfolio is an example worth studying:

Anne Farewell's teaching portfolio (pdf)