
Publications and Texts

The PIL unit publishes texts in three lines of publication: The PIL report series, the PIL publication series and the line Texts on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

The PIL report series (reports from development projects)

(In Swedish: PIL:s rapportserie.) Started in 2011, the series consists of reports from finished development projects initiated by PIL. The reports are published in Swedish.

Page in Swedish about the PIL report series

The PIL publication series

(In Swedish: Högskolepedagogisk skriftserie.) The publication series offers an opportunity to publish texts with a good potential to stimulate discussions on pedagogy or development within higher education. Most of the texts have been written and published in Swedish.

PIL publications in English

Page in Swedish about the PIL publication series

Texts on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

(In Swedish: Högskolepedagogiska texter.) The Texts on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education may be essays, articles, papers etc, aimed at a broader readership. Most of the texts are published in Swedish, but some are published in English.

Texts in English on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Page in Swedish about the Texts on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education